First and foremost, let's talk about disclaimers shall we. If you get butt hurt real easy, if your panties are in a bunch as soon as you put them on, if you don't appreciate the God like versatility of the word FUCK, if you don't like the C-bomb dropped, if you can't take a joke, or if sarcasm is not one of the languages you speak, hit the fucking back button because I'm about to go off.... just a tiny bit, just a little tiny fucking bit.
Second, before you read further, check this shit out.
How America is about to get FUCKED!
Now if that didn't piss you the fuck off then do the rest of us a favor and paint your fucking dumb ass reflective fucking yellow and go lay down across the street and pretend to be a fucking speed bump because that's about all you're fucking worth.
I've been watching our sorry ass excuse for a government try to lead this country here recently and let me tell you it's like trying to watch a monkey fuck a football covered in Vaseline. I mean they want to cut defense spending, they want to cut government spending, and yet they are seriously considering keeping us in Afghanistan for another fucking ten years. IF and that's a big fucking IF, we manage to get the fuck out of that desolate place by 2014 that will be 12 fucking years in the same God damned war. Yes, 12 fucking years isn't enough we want to make it twenty-fucking-two! Oh but it's only like 25,000 troops, air support, and weapons..... hmmm.... shut the fuck up you fucking moron. Go back to your asbestos filled fucking home and continue to snack on lead paint chips and lick the fucking windows you mouth breathing douche bag.
Let me clue you in on something. The problem with our economy is not excess government, it's not tax cuts, it's not because we give corporations all the tax breaks and none to the people who actually pay taxes. Are you ready for a fucking epiphany? Here you go. Wait for it.... WAR IS FUCKING EXPENSIVE!!!! That's it. That is almost entirely why our country is going to shit. Because right now we are throwing all of our assets into a fucking ideological campaign. If we leave the place the insurgency may take over but guess fucking what?!?! We'll have enough fucking money to support our own fucking country. So in essence the terrorist will lose because we'll still be here. Yep, like fucking cock roaches after a nuclear blast.
So allow me to offer a history lesson. Remember those people who we were all about fighting but not fighting after World War II? Who were they again? OH YEAH! Them commie bastards from the USSR. Oh, wait, they're not around anymore. How could that be? Could it be because the government had squandered so many of their assets fighting a war that they could no longer support their people? Wait, where was that war again? Shit. That's right FUCKING AFGHANISTAN! News flash! People have been trying to control that land for-fucking-ever! People have been going there since before Christ was rocking Jesus creepers and most of them had enough common sense to say "Fuck It, I'm going home". Well that was up until one of the two major Super Powers thought they were good enough and then they were no longer a fucking super power. Now the last remaining "Super Power" is there.... hmmm I can only hope our government will take a look at history.
Here's another thing that baffles my fucking mind. We want to cut defense spending and the good old DoD says well we need to slash benefits because the cost of TriCare (Military health care) has increased exponentially over the past decade. Well no shit you fucking exhaust smoking brainiacs! We've been at war the past decade. We have improved our protective equipment so fucking much over the past few decades that people are surviving what used to kill people before. Guess what? It's cheaper to put someone in the dirt than it is to keep them alive and get them healthy. That shit costs fucking money. Here's another clue. When we activate a reservist or national guardsman then we have to provide that individual and their family with health care. This also costs money. Not to fucking mention that reservists and national guardsman while on Active Duty actually make more than your regular Active Duty personnel because they all get benefits of a married service member even if they aren't. Hey Congress... this isn't fucking rocket science but after looking at some of your college records I suppose it may seem that way to you. So yeah it only makes fucking sense that military health care costs will increase exponentially when this shit goes on.
Staying in Afghanistan for an additional ten fucking years is not the fucking answer. It's more money and more lives lost. Osama bin Laden is throwing a fucking party with Sea Urchins right now because the man is fucking winning. Have you idiots ever read any of his fucking speeches? I know you haven't but I think as a leader of this country and her people that you should give us the courtesy of understanding our enemy. Here's the thing. Bin Laden and the other leadership of this organization aren't fucking stupid. We may have limited their operational capability by cutting off one of the heads but blowing up buildings wasn't their true goal. Their goal was to bring down America by any means possible. One of those ways was economic ruin. They want us to stay and fight. They want us to spend all of our money trying to hunt for needles in a haystack. They want us to waste our resources. Unfortunately you morons don't see that because you've never taken the time to read what the man has said. We are doing exactly what they want if we stay because no matter how many social programs we cut, no matter how much we raise taxes, no matter how much we reduce government, and no matter how much we cut defense spending; War is still EXPENSIVE. This is the bottom line, and as long as we continue to fuck around with this shit we will continuously spend more than we can possibly hope take in.
All I can say at this point is by the time my kids are in college they are gonna Google Epic Fail (or ask their Uncle Jake) and they are going to see a picture of this fucking country.
The worst part about it is that from what I can tell in 2012 I'll be researching all the Presidential candidates to decide not who to vote for, but who to vote against.
Ok, for the time being I'm done.... sorry it's been so long.
Via con queso,
Your friendly neighborhood baby killer,
The Senator