
..if you are easily offended or don't appreciate the semi-god like versatility of the word "fuck" you may want to stop now.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Killing Babies and such...

Normal disclaimer applies... if you are easily offended or don't appreciate the semi-god like versatility of the word "fuck" please stop now, go stick your head in the sand, cover your ears and sing loudly.

"I'm gonna rape, kill, pillage, and burn;
I'm gonna rape, kill, pillage, and burn;

So as some of you have already discovered this morning I was visited by the retard fairy in the most vulgar form. My eldest daughter had to take a math placement test for Junior High, which by the way is a baby that I have been tempted to but never killed. The test was a little over an hour and instead of heading home I decided to swing by the nearest coffee place to get some coffee and mess around on the bookface. The nearest place happened to be Starbucks cause their like the cockroaches of the coffee shop world and are nearly on every fucking corner. As I stood in line patiently waiting to purchase my over-priced brown water I got my wallet out and ready. There were several people behind me and as I ordered I realized that my Military ID was not properly placed in my wallet. So after I paid, while the snot nosed kid poured my coffee I slid my ID into it's proper place. I  then received my cup of wake the fuck up, tossed in my sugar, then found an unassuming comfy chair to place my ass in. 

Sitting on the couch to my right was a guy in his bike leathers who was obviously the owner of the crotch rocket I parked next to was reading a paper. I was loading the wireless innerwebz connection when the woman who was behind me in line came up to me and asked me something along the lines, "Are you proud of being a baby killer?" Sorry I didn't clearly catch the first part because the buzz of the espresso machine was making my ears ring like hell and I wasn't sure at first if she was talking to me. My only response was "Excuse me." Which she then asked if I was in fact in the Marine Corps cause she had seen my ID and I responded with yes and then she elaborated on the fact the I'm apparently responsible for killing babies. I was more or less dumbfounded that I was actually being accused of killing babies but I wasn't really in the mood to satisfy her by responding. I just told her to leave me the fuck alone at which point the motorcycle guy lowered his paper and told the woman she was out of line and told her to get the hell out of there. It was kind of surreal. At this point she left and didn't even pick her skinny soy caramel vanilla latte infused with rotten cunt juice and raging bitch serum. The motorcyclist left shortly afterwards and apologized as he left, to which I informed him it wasn't his fault, it just is what it is.

This unfortunately isn't the first attack that I've experienced due to my military affiliation. I've witnessed protests at American airports going both to and coming home from combat zones. I will say that the airports did one hell of a job shielding this from us. I've been spat at in DC while running. I had my way nearly completely blocked while running into Arlington Cemetery to visit a dear friend SSgt Archie Taylor who was killed in action in Afghanistan and was laid to rest with Hero's honors in Arlington. I've had to ensure proper security for residents at the Barracks while protesters paraded up and down 8th St with their anti-war signs and we deserve to die and all of that. While on recruiting duty I went to an anti-war rally at MSU in full blues and shook the hands of many protesters and expressed my thanks for using their rights which we fight to protect. By the way, I ended up enlisting three people from that stunt. It's kind of crazy and many people think that the vast majority of our population support the troops. This is a fallacy. Although I think we are in much better shape than during the Vietnam War, there are still an ass load of people out there that should have been swallowed or left as a stain on the mattress that assault the troops with reckless abandon. The thing is that after a decade of war a lot of people are drawing a large comparison to the Vietnam War and some of our saddest moments as a Nation are beginning to repeat themselves.

For the longest time Afghanistan was the forgotten war while most American's focused on Iraq because a majority of them didn't agree with it. Those of us in Afghanistan at the time were pretty much ignored. When Doc Fralish was killed my machine gun fire in the Gownapal valley in Northeastern Afghanistan, most were bitching about Iraq. When 20 year old PFC Bertolino was buried by his grieving mother few even knew that he sacrificed his life before it even began. Brixey, Anderson, Mendoza, Gagnon, Taylor, the names that come to my mind immediately never seem to end. And it went on while most American's continued with their daily lives. The events of 9/11 a distant memory.

"Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."
~George Orwell

The thing that worries me is that as this attitude seems to spread, our "baby killers" are coming home damaged. They are having problems adjusting back to that normal lifestyle they grew up with. In all honesty that lifestyle doesn't fit most of them anymore. They've grown, in someways good, in someways bad. That age of innocence was left on a battlefield in some hostile land that someone else told them they had to go to with some lofty goal of establishing a government and providing security to the people. They are told that the American people are behind them 100% while they see protests outside the gates of their base and at funerals of their fallen brothers. It's a mixed message but they keep doing what they do for those that are around them. They come home different people who have trouble relating to an old friend who is doing the same shit they've always done and worries about the petty things that no longer seem matter. They leave service with scars, both mentally and physically, that set them apart from everything else. And they silently wonder if they will ever be able to connect to anyone who hasn't done what they've done. 

It is what it is and it sucks. Honestly as floored as I was that this woman accused me of being a baby killer it doesn't bother me as much as it does some of you. I've been desensitized to it and really don't feel the need to satisfy people like that with a response. There is just no way to change their point of view. They believe what they believe and they have the right to do that. I'll just take solace in the sea of uniform white grave stones that stand proudly on a hillside outside of Washington, DC that are there because someone chose to protect those rights. The loss that those stones represent is incomprehensible. The shattered lives, the broken families, the children who will never know the kind of Hero their parent was, the mother who wakes up every morning to see the picture of her only son that she will never be able to hold in her arms again, the high school sweetheart that wonders if she'll ever get over having her first love ripped from her world, the brother in arms who feels an eternal guilt because he made it home, and the leader who endlessly wonders if he had done something differently would that kid have made it home.

With those thoughts I ignore the people that think we are baby killers, that pray for our deaths, and curse the life we lead. Because, to put it simply, they don't have the spine to do it. They sit here, yelling and screaming, while some cop who may be a veteran has to protect them from the onslaught of people that they upset and offend. It's kind of ironic if you think about it. 

So I know many of you were expecting this verbal onslaught towards this ass licking cunt bag, but hey, this is how I feel. I wanted to get something written down but I just don't get upset about this shit anymore. After all my government gave the Westboro Baptist Church permission to protest at our funerals so why should I argue anymore? It's a mute point. They are going to do what they are going to do regardless of what you or I say to them. All we do is add fuel to the fire when we get into a heated argument with them and in their twisted view it justifies their beliefs. 

At this point I want to present something to you and you can choose to agree or disagree but hear me out and think about it. If we truly ignored the activities of the Westboro Baptist Church and stop putting everything they do on the media, would it take the wind from their sails? If they have no one to preach their shit to, won't it kind of fuck their world up? With people who share the same opinions of the woman I ran into this morning if we just ignored them, turned our back to them, and walked away, who is there to listen? If we ignore the protesters and just went about our normal business completely ignoring them, who do they protest to? Seriously think about that. Most Americans are now ignoring the war, it's in the background, rarely reported on except in defense spending, so now most people don't even realize it's still going on. If a war that has been raging for 10 fucking years can be ignored, if veteran suicides can be ignored, if PTSD can be ignored, then so can these people.

Just a thought. And on that note I leave you with this...

"From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me 
Shall be my brother."

William Shakespeare
Henry V

Via con Queso

The Senator

1 comment:

  1. Bless you, Cory.You say things that need to be said and your eloquence amazes me. I think I'll try your approach. I just hope that you and your comrades in arms meet more people like Nana that will throw her arms around a returning vet to thank him than you run into douche bags like the woman you met this morning.
