As usual my normal disclaimer applies. However, this blog is a little bit special as it may offend the normally non-offended as I blast out some opinions on religion and sexual-orientation. I must also state that this is my personal opinion and is NOT the opinion of the Marine Corps, Armed Services, Department of Defense, or anyone else who may want to court martial me following this little rant. Now for my truly religious readers, I will warn you now; this may upset you so this especially applies to you, read at your own risk.
First things first, if you haven’t read the article on the most glorious bookface here is a link about the new SgtMaj of the Marine Corps and what he told the Marines about the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
If you aren’t inclined to read it let me sum it up for you in just a few words. “Get over it.”
Now the reason I feel the need to blog about this is because a lot of people, and I mean a LOT, ask my opinion on the decision to repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. When I’m asked my opinion in uniform I simply state, “Sir or Ma’am, I don’t have an opinion on this issue. My Commander-in-Chief ordered that the policy be repealed and therefore as a Marine I will follow that order and implement the new policy.” Politically correct huh? Believe it or not I came up with that line of shit all on my own but I must say that it’s the truth. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, order issued order followed. Period. HOWEVER, (pause for effect) I do have an opinion on this matter and here on the trusty innerwebz I can rant and rave about it without implicating neither my rank nor the Marine Corps.
So to give you a refresher when all this started I was opposed to repealing DADT. Does this make me some sort of sexual bigot? Nope. It means I didn’t want to deal with the bullshit that is now rolling down from Capitol Hill to my humble world as a Marine and an Infantryman. I may not be the brightest fucking color in the box of crayons but I recognized the fact that by repealing the DADT policy that our trusty government was opening a can of worms that makes Texas looks like Rhode Island. I mean really, they didn’t see this shit coming? Probably not because the only things they were thinking about when they repealed DADT were how many votes they were securing for the next election. Granted there may be a handful that were pushing this issue for equal rights but for the most part they were trying to tap into a fairly large sector of voters. If you don’t believe that I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn and I’m selling cheap!
Let me explain something really quick here before I go into how much inequality repealing the DADT policy actually brought to the surface. Most people in the military don’t give a rat’s ass if an individual is gay. We all understand and probably know of someone who is gay that serves. Most of us aren’t bothered by it as long as it isn’t broadcast like crazy because it’s personal business. Let me put it this way. Few people care what religion you are, do what you gotta do, just don’t preach to me. Make sense?
Now on to the fun stuff. So the government say, “Let there be GAY” in the military. Awesome. We have separate livings quarters for males and females to help dissuade the younger hormone infused personnel from bumping uglies. In a logical sense we should do the same for homosexuals but it isn’t happening. So we coexist. Not too big of a deal there although I think it could cause some issues for units deployed but they’ll work it out. Yet the living quarters issue is something that bothers me. Let me spill out this can of worms a bit. As a heterosexual male or female if you get married you have a right to get several benefits. A basic allowance for housing (BAH), a basic allowance for sustenance (BAS), residence on base in lieu of receiving BAH, life insurance, dental insurance, and health insurance. These are the big ticket items. So here is my major complaint. If we are going to allow gays to openly serve in the military why the fuck won’t you allow them to get married? SERIOUSLY. If you get married in a state that recognizes gay marriage then you can get married BUT, and this is a big fucking Hillary Clinton sized BUT here, the MILITARY AND U.S. FUCKING GOVERNMENT won’t recognize that marriage. Oh shit. That means that you won’t get housing, BAH, BAS, or insurance for your new spouse because they have the same parts that you do. Yet this is a step towards equality? What the fuck! This ladies and gentlemen is an atrocity towards equal rights.
So I’m sure you’ve been wondering how I may offend our friends of the cloth, well, here it comes. For those of you who are sitting there saying the government shouldn’t recognize gay marriage because it makes a mockery of the meaning of marriage and because in God’s eyes it’s wrong, all I can say to you is wake the fuck up. First off, if two guys love each other and want to get married then fucking let them. How is that making a mockery of the meaning of marriage? How about all the politicians running around making a mockery of the meaning of marriage? You know the ones who are involved in prostitution rings, who run around sticking the dick into anything that will let them, and then go to church and pray to the baby Jesus that all gays burn into damnation. What about that shit? If anything destroys the sanctity of marriage that’s it. This goes along with my argument that if you Pro-Life uber Nazi’s knew that fetus you were trying to save was gay that you wouldn’t be so hard core about saving it. It’s bullshit. If you let them serve, let them get married and have the same fucking rights as the rest of us. If you don’t than you are beyond hypocritical. Unfortunately this is what most of the argument in the government is basing this on right now. Religious beliefs and the sanctity of marriage. Great fucking argument there. So let me drop back into history just a little bit and remind you of some of the arguments once based in religious beliefs.
Let’s first go back to that slave thing shall we. First off people straight up kidnapped a mother fucker out of his village, sold him, tossed him on a boat, then sold him again on the other side where he ended up on some fucking plantation picking cotton or doing some other heinous shit. They were treated like animals. It took a long ass time for someone to say, “Hey, that’s kind of fucked up.” And when someone did do that on the concept that the white man was created in the image of God people actually drew up charts pointing out the differently shaped head, the more muscular build, and other physical characteristics that differed from most whites. Because of these differences and the fact that whites were made in the image of God blacks were considered sub-human. They were deemed an inferior race because of these differences and because of that it was ok to treat them like animals. Don’t believe me? Google that shit. So then we had the Civil War which contrary to popular belief had little to do with slaves and everything to do with Federal vs. State power, however, a result of that struggle was that the slaves were freed. Well sort of freed. That’s an entirely different subject altogether. I just want to bring up the fact that although freed they weren’t by law made equal citizens until the Civil Rights movement of the 19fucking60’s! Finally 50 years after that we have our first black President. Great basis for opinions steeped in religious beliefs right.
What about women’s rights? That was a cluster fuck as well that for some reason because of religion they weren’t equal. What a crock of shit. This is the same damn thing. Because of some religious belief the sanctity of marriage will be violated if gays marry so the U.S. Government won’t recognize it. But, YAY, now they can serve openly and we will OPENLY discriminate against them by not allowing them the same rights and benefits afforded to heterosexual couples. So yeah let’s talk about equality. All the politicians are patting themselves on the back because they think they reached sexual equality within the ranks for allowing gays to openly serve. All they did was effectively show the world that we are going to openly discriminate against them. They opened a can of worms and now their heads are spinning as to what to do next.
So in my personal opinion I don’t really care about the DADT being repealed. Frankly I’m not bothered at all about gays in the military, hell they’ve been here the ENTIRE time. However, if you are going to repeal something like that you have to be prepared to go the distance to make things equal for all. I hate this half way bullshit.
As for the people still up in arms over the actual repeal, in a nut shell, get over it. It’s done. There is no more argument; there is no longer an opinion in that matter because it’s in the past. Now is time to move on and try to ensure that it’s done right. If you can’t handle that we are downsizing and you know when you’re end of active service is. So yeah mark time until you reach it. For the rest of us it’s trying to figure out how to do this right so everyone is equal regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, ethnicity, and now sexual-orientation.
Until next time…
The Senator