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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tasty Tuesday!!!! 6-21

Okay so due to my commitments last week I epically failed and didn't get the beer review done. Well to make it up to you I'm giving you the review on Tasty Tuesday so you are prepared to spend your Hump Day in the correct frame of mind! Intoxicated! Without further adieu here is a beer review from our most revered Brewmaster, Danny W.

Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales
La Roja   
Flanders Red

Appearance - Pours a Deep Cloudy Amberish, almost Brown color with a Tight Tan head. 

Smell - Slight Vinegar and Cherries with a lingering Sweet scent. 

Taste - Cinnamon & Clove Spicy notes and a refreshing acidic bite, moving on to a fruity aftertaste.  A nice light Sourness from the Brettanomyces that balances the other flavors in the beer nicely. 

Mouthfeel - Light and Clean, with an Apple Cider type of feel.

Overall - This is the best Flanders style of beer I've ever tasted, it's just complex enough to keep you entertained but not so much so that you can't just sit back and enjoy the beer for what it is.  The sourness is on the lower end of the scale as is the acetic character so it's a great introduction to sour beers. 

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