So yeah I know it's been a while since I've gone on any type of rant or rave or bitch or moan or however the fuck you like to put it. That thing called life got in the way and although I know some of you crave my words, sometimes I just have other shit to do.
You may be wondering what this particular post is about. That makes two of us because I have no fucking idea. I just have a lot on my mind and thought I'd spew it out to the masses. This is going to come forth in no particular order. So let's get started shall we.
Ok so I guess I'll go back to the elections, because honestly I'm a little butt hurt about the way many people reacted to it. First and foremost let me say this. I never drank the Obama Kool-Aid and I think Romney is a douche. If you follow the money trail they're both propped up by the same kind of mega-corporations so really what choice did we have. Oh yeah, we did have some pretty kick ass third party candidates. Now here is where I got a little pissed off. I researched all the candidates who were listed on NY State's ballot. I looked at who supports them financially, what lobbyists they are affiliated with, what their political track record has been, and then where they stand on the big and small issues. After looking at a lot of this I made the decision to vote for Gary Johnson because he aligned most with what I think we need to do in this country. I made an educated choice people.
Me being me, I didn't hide who I voted for and when people asked I fuckin' told them straight out. What was fucked up is that people got legitimately upset by my decision. Some said that I might as well have voted for Obama while others insisted I completely wasted my vote. You know what I have to say to that? FUCK YOU. If you vote. If you participate. If you do your research and vote for who you believe in. HOW IN THE FUCKING FUCK ARE YOU WASTING YOUR VOTE?!?!?! Fuck you. That's bullshit. If you voted for Obama, if you voted for Romney, if you voted for Ron Paul or another write in, if you voted for Gary Johnson or any of the other third party candidates (and there were a lot of them this election) then for the love of fuck you didn't waste your vote. You exercised your right to vote for what YOU believe in. That ladies and gentlemen is what this Republic is all about. We vote for the people that we think and feel will represent our personal values best.
Now let me throw a little perspective in there for you. Almost 240 years ago a group of men got together and decided to start a revolution so they could have and vote for representation in Government. Here we are now. With numerous small revolutions in between to end slavery, civil rights, to give women the right to vote, etc. That all happened here in this country. News flash. In Afghanistan and Iraq your service members have fought and died to give those people the right to vote in their own damn countries. I personally disagree with this. If they wanted it that bad they would have stood up and done the shit themselves just like we did. Oh and for those of you thinking, "Yeah but look at who they would be fighting, Saddam had tanks and shit and in Afghanistan the Taliban was ruling with an Iron Fist." Ok, I can almost see your ignorant point. HOWEVER, America has the strongest and most funded military in the World. So by your logic that little insurgency thing we've been fighting for a fucking decade shouldn't be an issue. But it is. They could have done that to fight for their freedom just like we did all those years ago. Back to my perspective. When I saw people walking out of a voting booth in tears because they were finally given a choice it kind of changed my perspective a little. I no longer felt that I needed to vote along party lines or to keep someone out of office. I felt like I had to vote for who I felt was right. For who I felt would do the best job for my country. That's it. That to me honors what so many people have fought and died for in our country throughout the years.
Veteran's Day. I'm honestly a little annoyed that it's only one day a year. I know many people do A FUCKING SHIT TON for vets throughout the year and I love them for it. Why not have a Veteran's awareness month though. I mean we have awareness months and heritage and history months for everything fucking else. Why not do it for those who fight for our freedoms. I mean it makes sense to me. Now I'm not looking for any personal praise. I may be a combat vet. Yeah I've gone to other countries and killed in the name of Uncle Sam, Apple Pie, and the American way, but I'm not a hero. I enlisted to do it. I chose to be in the infantry. I chose to stay in and reenlist over the years. My choice. I knew the risks. I knew the sacrifice involved. I didn't do it for praise. I did it for an opportunity to serve my country and make a difference in the world. Although right now, I'm not sure if our political leaders are having us make the right kind of difference in the world. But that my friends is an entirely different subject.
All I want for veterans is a fair look from the populace of our country. Many join for selfish reasons, myself included, we want the benefits. The free education. The medical. The chance to see the world. The intangible qualities that a military lifestyle can infuse in a person. These are all things for us. The difference is that we signed a contract recognizing that those things that we wanted involved potential risk and sacrifice. The thing is I want people to be a little more aware and concerned about that risk and sacrifice. We've got homeless and jobless vets. Vets suffering with PTSD, lost limbs, fragmented lives, difficulty adapting to civilian life, just so many afflictions. Regardless of their reasons for serving, they served, and they should be taken care of after service. Especially those coming home wounded or broken in some way shape or form. Believe me, it's not easy, but we do it only some need more help than others.
Imagine being in the shoes of that 22 year old kid who just finished his time on active duty. He went and fought in war. Saw his friends and brothers maimed and killed. Woke up every morning wondering if this morning would be his last. He lived with stress unimaginable for most people. Hell too many of our society have nervous break downs from sitting in traffic. Imagine how it must feel coming from a place where a traffic jam is a death trap begging for an ambush. I want more awareness of that. The heart felt thanks, free meals, welcome homes, etc. are great. But we need people to be aware of what Vets have gone through, what they need, what is or isn't available to them, and where our government is failing miserably in these areas. Without that, people will continue to move forward in their bubble only pausing on certain days to think about it. Not all, but many live just like that. We need to improve. We need to make it better. We as a people need to take care of our own.
Oh and for my fellow Veterans out there. I offer a humble challenge. I challenge you to take the cost of that free meal or discount you may have received and send it to the Veterans charity of your choice. Pay it forward. We are supposed to take care of our own. Never leave a Marine (soldier, sailor, or airman) behind. IF everyone of us took the amount we received in thanks monetarily and paid it forward then we could make a huge difference among our own. Thank those who thank us by taking that gift and moving it forward.
There's more... but you know what? I think I'm going to end it there. I think I'm going to let you guys mull over voting and veterans and allow you to express your own opinions. Without discussion and discourse there can be no progress. And right now, our country as a whole needs a lot of progress.
The Senator
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