UPDATE: As of November 28, 2011 LCpl Mark Fidler received a personal letter from Former President G.W. Bush. Unfortunately due to Presidential protocols President Bush cannot visit Mark at this time. However, he took the time out to send Mark a letter which is great in my opinion. For all of those who helped by sending their own letter I want to offer my heart felt thanks with this. I am still going to leave the original letter posted on here as well as the letter posted by the family below. Thanks again for what all of you did!
The Honorable George W. Bush
The Honorable George W. Bush
P.O. Box 259000
Dallas, TX 75225-9000
October 13, 2011
Dear President G. W. Bush,
My name is Gunnery Sergeant Cory D. Will with the United States Marine Corps. During your tenure as Commander-In-Chief I served multiple combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq as an Infantry Unit Leader. Today I write to you on behalf of Lance Corporal Mark I. Fidler and his family.
On Monday October 3rd of this year Mark was struck by an IED on a dismounted patrol in Helmand Province, Afghanistan. The injuries received have been so severe that in order to save his life Mark has had both of his legs amputated up to the hip. As of today he still has multiple major surgeries that will be completed over the upcoming weeks but he will survive this tragedy.
I spoke with his family today and his father, Kerm Fidler, told me about President Obama’s visit to see Mark when he arrived at Bethesda Naval Medical Center this past weekend. When he finished telling me about President Obama’s visit he immediately asked if I knew if there was any way we could request to have President Bush visit Mark in a few weeks when Mark is not so heavily sedated. After looking around on the internet I found this address and immediately began composing this letter.
Sir, the Fidler’s have been staunch supporters of you since you first took office in 2000. Both Mr. and Mrs. Fidler’s sons joined the Marine Corps in answer to your calls to service to eliminate the terrorist threat overseas. Both sons have also served in combat. Now one of them lies in a hospital bed in Bethesda Maryland missing both of his legs. I know Mark very well and he will get through this and he will be proud of what he has done as a Marine in the Infantry. He will never regret his decision to serve or go to combat. Through all of this his family has made the simple request that you come visit their son while he is in the hospital.
On October 11th of this year I read an article stating that what you missed most about your Presidency was interaction with the troops. You said, “There’s nothing as courageous in my judgment as someone who had a leg blown off in combat overcoming the difficulties.” Sir, your visit will help inspire this young Marine to meet and overcome the challenges he will face after losing both of his legs. As a Marine Gunnery Sergeant with 14 years of active service and multiple combat tours I am humbly requesting that you come to Bethesda Maryland to visit Lance Corporal Mark I. Fidler who has paid a great sacrifice serving during the Global War on Terror.
Thank you for your time and your consideration in this matter.
Respectfully submitted,
Cory D. Will
Gunnery Sergeant United States Marine Corps
The Honorable George W. Bush
ReplyDeleteP.O. Box 259000
Dallas, TX 75225-9000
November 11, 2011
Dear President G. W. Bush,
I am a very close friend to Mark and his family. Our children grew up together and out of our 8 children, 4 are US Marines.
Mark is our Mircale Marine, he was the worst case survivor of the battle wounds he received that the doctors have ever seen. It is a true miracle he is alive, by the grace of God and the millions praying for him.
As a Marine Mom and a cancer fighter, I want nothing more in this world then to help Mark, as he and all the wounded warriors are truly heros and need to be honored for their remarkable work they do. I know it would be a true honor to Mark and his family if you could possibly take a day to go visit them at Bethesda. That is one wish his mother, Stacy has also beside getting Mark home one day, is to meet you. She and her family and ours supported all your decisions as President and want nothing more than a visit and hand shake.
Please consider this. I think it is a small request compared to what Mark and the other wounded have gone through. Mark no longer has legs, as you read above they had to be amputated to save the rest of his body. Please, I am begging, please visit him. He received his purple heart yesterday on the Marine Corps birthday! Oorah
Respectfully and honorably,
Amy Long
Marine Mom of 2
How is Mark doing these days?
ReplyDeleteHas anyone followed up with a secondary request for a visit from former President Bush? While Mark may be out of hospital now, I'm sure an update President Bush would appreciate the update and give consideration to a visit - or perhaps a personal note to Mark of inspiration...
Please thank this family for their service and the sacrifices they have endured on behalf of our country.
~ from a grateful citizen
He deserves multipurpose driving visits! 100% in more than words can express thank you! And many more! Pm me let's talk can't wait to see you! Curtiss Cain