
..if you are easily offended or don't appreciate the semi-god like versatility of the word "fuck" you may want to stop now.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I don't know.... just fucking because.

The disclaimer... yeah fuck that. If you haven't figured it out by now stop munching on fucking lead paint chips and wake the fuck up. This has the potential to offend and that about sums up my fucking disclaimer.

So yeah two blogs in one day, aren't you guys the lucky ones. All I can say is that since my therapist is fucking useless and all she tells me to do is relax and do this relaxing exercise and blah blah blah blah blah blah... yeah fucking useless. Wanna save some money Congress, start doing customer satisfaction survey's on the therapists that are hired for PTSD and shit and I promise you you'll be able to shit can about 90% of them. Then spend some fucking money to educate those who have fucking been there because they have an understanding of what we fucking go through and will probably be able to help other vets a hell of a lot better than my brain team duo who just keeps telling me to stop drinking fucking coffee and to quit smoking. Well here's a thought, if we could figure out why the FUCK I can't sleep I wouldn't need all the fucking coffee and cancer sticks to keep me going... anyways, yeah.

Today I saw a 22 year old kid who went overseas to fight a war we should have ended but he did it for us. What does he get in return? He gets to give up both his legs from the femur down. What the fuck? When is enough enough? How many more friends and loved ones do we have to bury and nurse back to health before someone that works in the general vicinity of Washington DC wakes the fuck up and says, "Wow, this shit ain't working"? How FUCKING many? I'm fucking tired of it. Twenty-fucking-two years old. He's a fucking baby and now he has to tackle life in an entirely different way. I know the kid and I know he's gonna do it with a smile on his face and his middle finger in the air. I know if he ever wanted to ride a motorcycle he'll have a pimped out Harley trike with a suicide shifter and fucking gun rack on the back, but that's not really the point. This shit just shouldn't have to happen anymore. It's fucking done. We killed bin Laden, we killed all these higher ups, we've killed so many fucking people that we're the equivalent of the plague that wiped out a 1/3 of Europe back in the day. Yet we still keep sending our boys to war, to fight an ideology. Haven't we learned from history? You can't wage war against a fucking concept. It's just not fucking possible. 

"Oh but we're fighting a war against terrorism." Are you fucking stupid. Terrorism is a fucking tactic. A TACTIC according to Webster's is 1) a device for accomplishing an end, 2) a method of employing forces in combat. You can't fight that, that's fucking retarded. As long as one country has greater military forces an adversary will use whatever "Tactic" will be most successful. Hey fucktards, pick up a fucking history book. The English referred to our tactics in the Revolutionary War as ungentlemanly and terrorism. Why? Because we couldn't go toe to toe with the red coats, they were too well trained, too powerful, too well equipped. So we handed a hunter or farmer a gun, told him to hide in a tree, and take them out one by one. Why did we do that? Because it was the most feasible tactic we could employ to win. The thing is we fought for something then. It wasn't about national interest, it was about self-governance. We wanted our country (which we stole from someone else) to be ours. We wanted a say it what went on here, and we used every fucking tactic possible to bring that want, that need, that desire to a reality. 

About 60 years ago we began a campaign of "containment". We wanted to contain the spread of communism. How fucking noble of us. All the sudden we started fighting against a system, an ideological concept. We were fighting against communists. Ok so we kept them from taking over South Korea. Then we decided that we would do the same thing in Vietnam. That was a little different because we tried to stay within the borders of one country, only problem is our enemy didn't. They used whatever tactic would work. In Korea they couldn't really go outside of the one country because the water was TOO FUCKING COLD. In Vietnam, fuck it right, a jungle is a jungle, only they American's won't go past this imaginary line but we will. So now, we're fighting against an ideology and we're trying to fight a tactic that was developed to knock out conventional armies, insurgency. So what happened with Vietnam... we wasted tens of thousands of lives and destroyed a hundred thousand more. For what? What the fuck did we accomplish? The Soviet Union ended up collapsing not because of what we did directly but because they kept trying to spread their views in places that it wasn't wanted... namely Afghanistan. Holy shit, sound familiar. 

So here we are, now over ten years in the same country and we're still fighting but we've long forgotten what for. We've killed the bad guys, we've weakened the terrorist network, we've established better international cooperation to catch people before they have an opportunity to strike. Yet we are still fighting. I'm still seeing more friends buried in Arlington, I'm still seeing more friends being shipped to the states missing arms, legs, and worse. For what? Will someone please fucking explain to me why the fuck we're still fighting?

Twenty fucking somethings are getting killed and maimed at the fucking sustained rate and we just keep throwing them into it. What the fuck. Seriously, when are they going to learn? Does anyone else remember when a man took the office of President under the promise that he was going to see an end to this war? I remember that. And I can't help but wonder why I've had to watch so many be laid to rest and why like today, on Thursday I'll be at a hospital to support a friend and his family during a really hard time in their lives. It's supposed to be over...

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.

~Dwight D. Eisenhower 

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