Yes the normal disclaimer applies because I have this great knack for offending even the unoffendable (I know it's not a word, bite me). Alas the most important portion of this particular disclaimer is this. This blog represents the opinion of the author and only the author. That means the guy typing right now. It does NOT represent the opinion of the Marine Corps, the Navy, the Department of Defense, the U.S. Government or any affiliates there of. It also does not represent any type of official statement nor does it represent any other aspect of the U.S. Government that could Court Martial the author under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. This is exceptionally important to understand. This is my opinion and ONLY my opinion, no one else's, just mine.
Ok, so where exactly to begin. The initial movement was to Occupy Wall Street in NYC to express grievances about corporations basically running many aspects of government and in many cases figuratively getting away with murder against the American people. Basically the big corporations barely pay taxes and get HUGE tax returns each year courtesy of the tax payer. In addition politicians are giving them more tax breaks in order to ensure they have excess money to hire more Americans. In theory this makes sense, however, this is not what happens. Most of these corporations have been closing shop in the U.S. and outsourcing overseas because it's cheaper to operate there and they can make more profit. Meanwhile they are still taking all the tax incentives and are essentially screwing the American people. This as I understand it was the original grievance that was being protested. Not to mention that the "occupation" was supposed to be hundreds or thousands of people milling around the area basically making it an annoyance while the big wigs went to and from work. It made sense, it wasn't just peaceful assembly, it was peaceful annoyance. I thought this approach was fucking brilliant. Then something happened that no one really expected...
This movement to Occupy Wall Street fucking EXPLODED. More and more people came out and when they couldn't make it to New York City they started doing the shit in their own cities at the corporate centers or government centers. Now things got interesting because the original message was something along the lines of what the corporations are doing isn't fair but there was no official agenda. So yeah, initially, there wasn't an official message. The official message and the list of demands wasn't put out until a week or so into the movement. Although saying that, they have been organizing this since June but it was about a grievance with no clear list of demands, if that makes sense. Now here is the fun and confusing part about all of this. There are so many different groups taking part in this that there are at least 10 different lists of demands. Unfortunately I can't seem to find the one that was originally posted on the OWS site.
So here we are nearly two months deep into the movement to Occupy and it has gone from National to Worldwide. Yet some things have gone horribly wrong. First and foremost there is no leadership, they are in their own words a "leaderless resistance". Just wanna point something out here, in order to get anything done in this country you have to have a leader to address the people that make changes, you know those Congressional people. Secondly, protesters are breaking laws. Yes, we have the right to PEACEFULLY assemble. However, in many states and cities you have to have a permit to protest. This is because they put extra police on shift, will block traffic, etc in the name of protecting the protesters. This has lead to some problems, namely that the protesters may not have the right permits and now the cops are being told to remove them and BOOM. All fucking hell breaks loose. Thirdly, the police are over reacting. For fucking real. Regardless of whether or not the protesters are listening to the cops the cops do not have the right to use excessive force. PERIOD. You can't do that shit, it's bad for business. And what pisses me off most about this is during the "Arab Spring" our government told these Arab governments they should not be attacking the protesters. Yet now it is happening in our own fucking country and the politicians are looking the other fucking way. This is bullshit. Lastly our fellow Americans aren't looking at this the right way. I read posts from people saying that "OWS is stupid, they need to get a job etc." Then their next post is bitching about the government or something the big banks are doing and I just want to reach through the screen and slap them up side the head with a mug full of wake the fuck up because that is ONE of the things the OWS movement is protesting.
At this point I will be completely honest about the movement, I don't agree with everything that they are protesting, HOWEVER, I am intelligent and honest enough to admit that there is a lot they are protesting that I do agree with.
I don't think corporations should get so many tax breaks and I REALLY don't believe they rate a fucking tax refund. Especially when the government, or we the fucking people, give them tax incentives to hire more Americans yet they are closing up offices and outsourcing to save money. "Look, we created jobs here! Just don't look in Ohio where we closed down a plant and moved it to fucking China so the 500 jobs we just created are offset by the 2500 we just got rid of." Don't believe me, search Google.
Corporate Personhood is a load of fucking bullshit. I am a person, a corporation is not. Enough said. I'm not even sure how this is an argument.
Corporations should have to abide by U.S. laws just like the rest of us. Listen, if I got in bed with Iran and made deals with them to make a profit I'm going to jail. No if's, and's, or but's about it. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go DIRECTLY to jail. Ladies and Gentlemen we have got some big corporations operating in our country that our doing just that. The best part about it is, they are getting away with it. Don't believe me, search Google.
Our politicians should NOT be allowed to take donations from corporations. This is bullshit. Politicians are supposed to be for the people, by the people. HOW THE FUCK IS GOLDMAN SACHS THE FUCKING PEOPLE! They aren't, but damn it they are funneling money to a shit load of politicians. This is bullshit.
Our government should be investing in the infrastructure of this country. This not only creates fucking jobs but it also prevents things like fucking bridges collapsing. But because we have such bipartisan bullshit going on our government can't pass a fucking bowel movement let alone productive legislation.
Here are some things I don't agree with.
100% debt forgiveness. The vast majority of people worked damn hard to get out of debt or keep it minimal. If you didn't, why should you be rewarded while others aren't. I understand there are circumstances but why not ask for a temporary hold on interest charges instead. Makes more sense to me and is more feasible and will help everyone out. The banks still make money so this wouldn't necessarily shut them down either. Contrary to popular belief complete debt forgiveness will fuck the banks. However, granting temporary interest relief will not, just stand by for a charge every fucking time you use your debit card cause they will find another way to make money off of you. Don't like it? Use cash.
Student Loan Forgiveness. Again, you took out the loan to get your education. You chose the school. You chose what to major in. It was your choice. Yes we need higher education in this day and age but for the love of fuck there are ways to do it without going into debt up to your eyeballs.
There is more on the agree and disagree but that could take a while, those are the main ones.
With this movement there is something that is absolutely amazing happening that I think few people have considered.
So a friend of mine posted something along the lines of an Egyptian saying that all the Occupy stuff looks like Tahrir Square in the spring. He then went on about how disgusting it made him feel because the U.S. is supposed to be better than that. I pondered this for a while and it sort of hit me like a lemon wrapped gold brick how fucking amazingly awesome that actually is. Let me explain. We are supposed to be a democracy that others want to emulate. We are supposed to show the world that people can have a say in government. Yet throughout the world countries have looked upon us as bullies because of our foreign policies and especially our actions over the past ten years. Now they are looking at us and saying, "HOLY FUCK ME RUNNING BACKWARDS BATMAN, if the Americans can do this, so CAN WE!" And now they are standing up next to us the world over. Call it revolution, call it anarchy, call it whatever the fuck you want to, I call it a beautiful thing that people are looking past cultural differences, past race, past nationality, past religion, and past every other biased boundary out there to stand up as one and say in one voice, "We think this is fucked up and you need to fucking fix it." How is that not amazing? How does that not take your breath away and bring a tear to your eye? The people the world over are speaking in one voice.
People in the Middle Fucking East are identifying with people of the West without bias of any kind. Think about that just for a second. Well take a few days and really digest that concept. Really turn it over in your head. Then think, many of these people were the same ones who celebrated on 9/11/01 because the U.S. was supporting ruthless regimes and their foreign policies were not helping the people in their country because of U.S. interests. Now, these same people as well as their sons and daughters, have stood up the world over and joined out voice. How is that not fucking brilliant? You want to end terrorism, guess what, this may be a larger blow to terrorism than anything any country the world over could have done. Now there is a common understanding about grievances. They identify with us and with that there is a sort of mutual understanding. With that, there is less of a reason to promote or support terrorism throughout the world.
"For he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother."
~Shakespeare - Henry V
That quote says it all. It's not combat, it's in protest, it's figurative but it's equally as powerful.
We speak of United Nations, but this is something different. It is a united people against corruption in its purest form. In the words of Sean Penn, "It's people saying they will no longer live in fear." It's amazing.
Even if you don't agree with everything they say you have to admit the unity of it is amazing. You also must remember that there are so many individuals and groups involved and they all want different things. In the end they are all saying that the system is broken and we need to fix it.
Here's what I think they should do to be even more effective and really institute change.
1) Demand that all protests are being conducted within the law and that all protesters truly peacefully assemble.
2) Form a leadership committee with a representative in each city in order to spearhead talks with local, state, and federal politicians.
3) Form a no bullshit political party for the 2012 elections. There is still time. Not to mention look at the outpouring support from the American people who would support this.
4) Develop a list of grievances that includes all parties to make it crystal clear what everyone is pissed off about. Make this the ONE official list of grievances.
5) Develop a list of solutions to these grievances that all parties agree on. Make this the One official list of "demands".
6) Begin to campaign for 2012. The best way to change things in this country is not to influence politicians but to replace them.
Ladies and Gentlemen these are the things I can see that will help make the changes that the Occupation Movement wants. As much as I respect how the leaderless resistance took the world by storm, if we want anything done, we have to stand up and do it. We definitely can't depend on others to do it for us, look where that's gotten us.
Ok, so that's my lot. Again this is just MY opinion. You can choose to agree or disagree but this is what I think about it.
Via con Ocupacion!!!
The Senator
So a friend of mine posted something along the lines of an Egyptian saying that all the Occupy stuff looks like Tahrir Square in the spring. He then went on about how disgusting it made him feel because the U.S. is supposed to be better than that. I pondered this for a while and it sort of hit me like a lemon wrapped gold brick how fucking amazingly awesome that actually is. Let me explain. We are supposed to be a democracy that others want to emulate. We are supposed to show the world that people can have a say in government. Yet throughout the world countries have looked upon us as bullies because of our foreign policies and especially our actions over the past ten years. Now they are looking at us and saying, "HOLY FUCK ME RUNNING BACKWARDS BATMAN, if the Americans can do this, so CAN WE!" And now they are standing up next to us the world over. Call it revolution, call it anarchy, call it whatever the fuck you want to, I call it a beautiful thing that people are looking past cultural differences, past race, past nationality, past religion, and past every other biased boundary out there to stand up as one and say in one voice, "We think this is fucked up and you need to fucking fix it." How is that not amazing? How does that not take your breath away and bring a tear to your eye? The people the world over are speaking in one voice.
People in the Middle Fucking East are identifying with people of the West without bias of any kind. Think about that just for a second. Well take a few days and really digest that concept. Really turn it over in your head. Then think, many of these people were the same ones who celebrated on 9/11/01 because the U.S. was supporting ruthless regimes and their foreign policies were not helping the people in their country because of U.S. interests. Now, these same people as well as their sons and daughters, have stood up the world over and joined out voice. How is that not fucking brilliant? You want to end terrorism, guess what, this may be a larger blow to terrorism than anything any country the world over could have done. Now there is a common understanding about grievances. They identify with us and with that there is a sort of mutual understanding. With that, there is less of a reason to promote or support terrorism throughout the world.
"For he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother."
~Shakespeare - Henry V
That quote says it all. It's not combat, it's in protest, it's figurative but it's equally as powerful.
We speak of United Nations, but this is something different. It is a united people against corruption in its purest form. In the words of Sean Penn, "It's people saying they will no longer live in fear." It's amazing.
Even if you don't agree with everything they say you have to admit the unity of it is amazing. You also must remember that there are so many individuals and groups involved and they all want different things. In the end they are all saying that the system is broken and we need to fix it.
Here's what I think they should do to be even more effective and really institute change.
1) Demand that all protests are being conducted within the law and that all protesters truly peacefully assemble.
2) Form a leadership committee with a representative in each city in order to spearhead talks with local, state, and federal politicians.
3) Form a no bullshit political party for the 2012 elections. There is still time. Not to mention look at the outpouring support from the American people who would support this.
4) Develop a list of grievances that includes all parties to make it crystal clear what everyone is pissed off about. Make this the ONE official list of grievances.
5) Develop a list of solutions to these grievances that all parties agree on. Make this the One official list of "demands".
6) Begin to campaign for 2012. The best way to change things in this country is not to influence politicians but to replace them.
Ladies and Gentlemen these are the things I can see that will help make the changes that the Occupation Movement wants. As much as I respect how the leaderless resistance took the world by storm, if we want anything done, we have to stand up and do it. We definitely can't depend on others to do it for us, look where that's gotten us.
Ok, so that's my lot. Again this is just MY opinion. You can choose to agree or disagree but this is what I think about it.
Via con Ocupacion!!!
The Senator
Just one thing about lawful assembly... If everyone followed all the rules, there would be no protesters in Oakland right now. They pushed a little bit, got smacked down for a day, and then the Mayor changed her stance and decided they could stay. Sometimes it's good to pick your battles.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that the protesters need to keep it civil, but sometimes you just have to push a little to get things done.
I agree on the Occupy Oakland front. What happened there is heinous. Regardless of if the crowd was there without permission the Police reacted violently. The tactics they used I wasn't allowed to use in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kenya, or East Timor to disperse crowds. Unfortunately, according to some police reports protesters also got violent. It was an escalation issue and I think it could have been handled differently on both sides. It's also important to note that the Mayor did try to go talk to protesters and they ran her off. How can we expect change if we don't talk to people? It's one of those things but I clearly see and agree with the "pick your battles" point.