
..if you are easily offended or don't appreciate the semi-god like versatility of the word "fuck" you may want to stop now.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tasty Tuesday!!!! 6-21

Okay so due to my commitments last week I epically failed and didn't get the beer review done. Well to make it up to you I'm giving you the review on Tasty Tuesday so you are prepared to spend your Hump Day in the correct frame of mind! Intoxicated! Without further adieu here is a beer review from our most revered Brewmaster, Danny W.

Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales
La Roja   
Flanders Red

Appearance - Pours a Deep Cloudy Amberish, almost Brown color with a Tight Tan head. 

Smell - Slight Vinegar and Cherries with a lingering Sweet scent. 

Taste - Cinnamon & Clove Spicy notes and a refreshing acidic bite, moving on to a fruity aftertaste.  A nice light Sourness from the Brettanomyces that balances the other flavors in the beer nicely. 

Mouthfeel - Light and Clean, with an Apple Cider type of feel.

Overall - This is the best Flanders style of beer I've ever tasted, it's just complex enough to keep you entertained but not so much so that you can't just sit back and enjoy the beer for what it is.  The sourness is on the lower end of the scale as is the acetic character so it's a great introduction to sour beers. 

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and the Can of Worms

As usual my normal disclaimer applies. However, this blog is a little bit special as it may offend the normally non-offended as I blast out some opinions on religion and sexual-orientation. I must also state that this is my personal opinion and is NOT the opinion of the Marine Corps, Armed Services, Department of Defense, or anyone else who may want to court martial me following this little rant. Now for my truly religious readers, I will warn you now; this may upset you so this especially applies to you, read at your own risk.
First things first, if you haven’t read the article on the most glorious bookface here is a link about the new SgtMaj of the Marine Corps and what he told the Marines about the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
If you aren’t inclined to read it let me sum it up for you in just a few words. “Get over it.”
Now the reason I feel the need to blog about this is because a lot of people, and I mean a LOT, ask my opinion on the decision to repeal the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. When I’m asked my opinion in uniform I simply state, “Sir or Ma’am, I don’t have an opinion on this issue. My Commander-in-Chief ordered that the policy be repealed and therefore as a Marine I will follow that order and implement the new policy.” Politically correct huh? Believe it or not I came up with that line of shit all on my own but I must say that it’s the truth. No ifs, ands, or buts about it, order issued order followed. Period. HOWEVER, (pause for effect) I do have an opinion on this matter and here on the trusty innerwebz I can rant and rave about it without implicating neither my rank nor the Marine Corps.
So to give you a refresher when all this started I was opposed to repealing DADT. Does this make me some sort of sexual bigot? Nope. It means I didn’t want to deal with the bullshit that is now rolling down from Capitol Hill to my humble world as a Marine and an Infantryman. I may not be the brightest fucking color in the box of crayons but I recognized the fact that by repealing the DADT policy that our trusty government was opening a can of worms that makes Texas looks like Rhode Island. I mean really, they didn’t see this shit coming? Probably not because the only things they were thinking about when they repealed DADT were how many votes they were securing for the next election. Granted there may be a handful that were pushing this issue for equal rights but for the most part they were trying to tap into a fairly large sector of voters. If you don’t believe that I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn and I’m selling cheap!
Let me explain something really quick here before I go into how much inequality repealing the DADT policy actually brought to the surface. Most people in the military don’t give a rat’s ass if an individual is gay. We all understand and probably know of someone who is gay that serves. Most of us aren’t bothered by it as long as it isn’t broadcast like crazy because it’s personal business. Let me put it this way. Few people care what religion you are, do what you gotta do, just don’t preach to me. Make sense?
Now on to the fun stuff. So the government say, “Let there be GAY” in the military. Awesome. We have separate livings quarters for males and females to help dissuade the younger hormone infused personnel from bumping uglies. In a logical sense we should do the same for homosexuals but it isn’t happening. So we coexist. Not too big of a deal there although I think it could cause some issues for units deployed but they’ll work it out. Yet the living quarters issue is something that bothers me. Let me spill out this can of worms a bit. As a heterosexual male or female if you get married you have a right to get several benefits. A basic allowance for housing (BAH), a basic allowance for sustenance (BAS), residence on base in lieu of receiving BAH, life insurance, dental insurance, and health insurance. These are the big ticket items. So here is my major complaint. If we are going to allow gays to openly serve in the military why the fuck won’t you allow them to get married? SERIOUSLY. If you get married in a state that recognizes gay marriage then you can get married BUT, and this is a big fucking Hillary Clinton sized BUT here, the MILITARY AND U.S. FUCKING GOVERNMENT won’t recognize that marriage. Oh shit. That means that you won’t get housing, BAH, BAS, or insurance for your new spouse because they have the same parts that you do. Yet this is a step towards equality? What the fuck! This ladies and gentlemen is an atrocity towards equal rights.
So I’m sure you’ve been wondering how I may offend our friends of the cloth, well, here it comes. For those of you who are sitting there saying the government shouldn’t recognize gay marriage because it makes a mockery of the meaning of marriage and because in God’s eyes it’s wrong, all I can say to you is wake the fuck up. First off, if two guys love each other and want to get married then fucking let them. How is that making a mockery of the meaning of marriage? How about all the politicians running around making a mockery of the meaning of marriage? You know the ones who are involved in prostitution rings, who run around sticking the dick into anything that will let them, and then go to church and pray to the baby Jesus that all gays burn into damnation. What about that shit? If anything destroys the sanctity of marriage that’s it. This goes along with my argument that if you Pro-Life uber Nazi’s knew that fetus you were trying to save was gay that you wouldn’t be so hard core about saving it. It’s bullshit. If you let them serve, let them get married and have the same fucking rights as the rest of us. If you don’t than you are beyond hypocritical. Unfortunately this is what most of the argument in the government is basing this on right now. Religious beliefs and the sanctity of marriage. Great fucking argument there. So let me drop back into history just a little bit and remind you of some of the arguments once based in religious beliefs.
Let’s first go back to that slave thing shall we. First off people straight up kidnapped a mother fucker out of his village, sold him, tossed him on a boat, then sold him again on the other side where he ended up on some fucking plantation picking cotton or doing some other heinous shit. They were treated like animals. It took a long ass time for someone to say, “Hey, that’s kind of fucked up.” And when someone did do that on the concept that the white man was created in the image of God people actually drew up charts pointing out the differently shaped head, the more muscular build, and other physical characteristics that differed from most whites. Because of these differences and the fact that whites were made in the image of God blacks were considered sub-human. They were deemed an inferior race because of these differences and because of that it was ok to treat them like animals. Don’t believe me? Google that shit. So then we had the Civil War which contrary to popular belief had little to do with slaves and everything to do with Federal vs. State power, however, a result of that struggle was that the slaves were freed. Well sort of freed. That’s an entirely different subject altogether. I just want to bring up the fact that although freed they weren’t by law made equal citizens until the Civil Rights movement of the 19fucking60’s! Finally 50 years after that we have our first black President. Great basis for opinions steeped in religious beliefs right.
What about women’s rights? That was a cluster fuck as well that for some reason because of religion they weren’t equal. What a crock of shit. This is the same damn thing. Because of some religious belief the sanctity of marriage will be violated if gays marry so the U.S. Government won’t recognize it. But, YAY, now they can serve openly and we will OPENLY discriminate against them by not allowing them the same rights and benefits afforded to heterosexual couples. So yeah let’s talk about equality. All the politicians are patting themselves on the back because they think they reached sexual equality within the ranks for allowing gays to openly serve. All they did was effectively show the world that we are going to openly discriminate against them. They opened a can of worms and now their heads are spinning as to what to do next.
So in my personal opinion I don’t really care about the DADT being repealed. Frankly I’m not bothered at all about gays in the military, hell they’ve been here the ENTIRE time. However, if you are going to repeal something like that you have to be prepared to go the distance to make things equal for all. I hate this half way bullshit.
As for the people still up in arms over the actual repeal, in a nut shell, get over it. It’s done. There is no more argument; there is no longer an opinion in that matter because it’s in the past. Now is time to move on and try to ensure that it’s done right. If you can’t handle that we are downsizing and you know when you’re end of active service is. So yeah mark time until you reach it. For the rest of us it’s trying to figure out how to do this right so everyone is equal regardless of race, sex, creed, religion, ethnicity, and now sexual-orientation.
Until next time…
The Senator

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Weekend preparations... das Beer Review.

So first and foremost I must extend my thanks to my former Squad Leader from back when I was a super boot in 2/1 81's Plt. Yes the originators of why Marines are bad for the women folk. From Coaches, to the Boogey, to many other places we frequented, namely Tijuana. Good times. In fact our resident Brewmaster was also in this infamous platoon of alcholics, womanizers, and trouble makers. So anyways allow me to introduce to you our beer of the week!

Sierra Nevada
Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Appearance - A Bright Amberish Gold and perfectly clear with a slightly Tan Rocky head that dissapates very quickly.  

Smell - Sweet Malt and a Clean Neutral hop bitterness dominate the scent of this beer.  

Taste - Clean and crisp with a slight bite from the hops.  It's perfectly balanced for an American Pale Ale.  

Mouthfeel - This beer is light and refreshing, with a sharp bitterness and crisp dry finish.  

Overall - Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is the classic "Gateway Beer", this is one beer that has converted more "Fizzy Yellow Beer Sissies" into Craft Beer Drinkers than any other.  It's Crisp, Clean, Clear and has just the perfect balance of malt and hops to bring even the 
biggest "ButtWiper" Fan over to the Dark-Side.  Don't believe me?  Give it a try, I know you'll like it.  

From the Senator:
I was exposed to this particular beer in Hawaii and I gotta tell you it's pretty damn good. It's not bitter like many other pale ales that you run across. Give it a try and you'll probably enjoy it as much as I have!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

So you want to cut spending...

So first and foremost let's talk just a little about my disclaimer shall we. It still applies and this one may offend more than normal because I'm just a little bit irritated. I say again, if you are easily offended, don't appreciate the semi-god like versatility of the word "fuck", or don't like the C-Bomb you may want to stop now. For the rest of you, read on at your own risk.

Prior to reading my rant further please refer to this article about the possibility of cutting troop pay and benefits.


Now that you have a little background let me begin.

Defense spending is a hot topic and I, as an employee of the Defense Department fully agree with the fact that we need to cut spending. However, can we be a little more fucking realistic about this shit please. Although my pay and benefits package is pretty good, especially the benefits, there is no reason my pay or benefits should be cut. You wanna know why health care is costing the defense department so much fucking money. NEWS FLASH GENIUS, we're fucking surviving. Shit that woulda smoke checked a mother fucker in Vietnam isn't killing people anymore. So they are coming back fucked up. It costs a hell of a lot more fucking money to fix people that it does to bury them. Can no one else see this? What the fuck? You wanna know what else is doing it. We call them the reserves and the national guard. See although we offer these people health care, we only offer it to them when they are activated. Ummm.... so when we have them in reserve status we don't pay extra. Up until 10 years ago they weren't activated too much. However, when you go to war and then you decide to pull a Hitler and fight on multiple fronts you have to call up your reserves. I say again, when they are active we have to pay for their health care. Not to mention you also have to cover their dependents. Oh and if they get fucked up, we have to continue to care for them when they return. This isn't fucking rocket science. 

So you want to cut defense spending do you. Here are a few profound fucking ideas on how to do it without fucking over the people who operate the fucking weapons. Instead of investing so much fucking money trying to develop a new weapon or piece of equipment that we don't need why don't we look to improve the ones we have that are combat proven. Instead of using the good old boy network to award fucking contracts for new equipment why don't we use the civilian version that has been tested as being more effective and cheaper. We have a free world fucking market out there at our disposal why not fucking use it instead of hiring your old officer buddy to reinvent the wheel for eleventy fucking million dollars. The Marines and Soldiers on the front lines are fucking amazing. We figured out that if mom sends us a fucking remote control car we can add some weight to it and blow up pressure plate IED's before the convoy runs them over. This costs roughly $50 bucks for the remote control car, and $10 for shipping. So does the government raid every fucking Toys R Us for this shit. Nope. We spend billions of dollars developing this high speed low drag wheel system the rides approximately 20 feet in front of the lead vehicle. It costs like $500,000 and once it goes boom it has little chance of being used again. So $60 or $500K. No fucking brainer. Not to fucking mention that the $500K variety is a stationary piece of fucking equipment so those insurgent fuckers figured if the put the plate in one spot they should put the explosive 15 to 20 feet behind it. So the roller hits the pressure plate and the boom happens under the vehicle. Great waste of fucking money guys. Give me that fucking remote control car and a fucking brick! We can drive that thing at various distances in front of a convoy which makes it harder to target! We call this not establishing a fucking pattern. 

Want to cut more defense spending. STOP PAYING HALIBARTON TO CLEAN OUR FUCKING TOILETS. Are you fucking kidding me. We have people that are capable of cleaning up after themselves. This is fucking retarded and a huge fucking waste of god damn money and it needs to stop. 

Here's another fucking idea. STOP GOING TO WAR. Afghanistan was originally understandable. But Iraq. That fucking giant douche bag was contained and couldn't do shit if he wanted to. Let him run his fucking mouth. Who gives a shit. The "Because we could" excuse doesn't set well with me either. Look at how much money and lives we've given for this fucking war. And for what? An ally in the middle east. Wait isn't that why we coddle fucking Saudi Arabia. We helped put a ruthless regime in power there and we've propped them up like it's fucking cool and look just how well that shit has worked out for us. How about holding up that no fly zone shit around Libya. That's fucking costing a minor fucking fortune and yet we're doing it. WILL SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHY? Qaddafi has been in power and other than being a tard on occasion he has more or less been kept in check. So let those fuckers fight it out without our help. Oh and for those people that say it's all about human fucking rights. Here's a fucking idea hot shot, walk around any major fucking city in the United Fucked Up States of America and talk to the homeless. Go to the shelters and talk to the women and children that are there because they got pummeled by some waste of oxygen with a penis. THEN tell me we should spend TRILLIONS of fucking dollars saving other people instead of helping those you drive past every fucking day. Do me a favor and go to a brush fire in California this year and hug a fucking burning tree. 

Having a force in readiness is needed to help out people when the shit hits the fan. Like Haiti, Japan, Indonesia, etc. It's not to go influence or invade countries cause the leader does fucked up shit to his people. That's fucking happening hear but we don't do shit. Oh wait, we are doing something. We're cutting the funding they need to help the few that they can. Great fucking move genius. 

So yeah let's cut the pay and benefits of the working class instead of reducing retarded spending. That makes so much fucking sense. 

What about other areas. Oh I have a fucking idea. Let's actually make corporations pay their fucking taxes and not give them a god damn fucking refund. I bet those mom and pop stores pay their fucking taxes and don't get a fucking return so why the fuck doesn't GE pay shit. When the fuck did we start saying hey make more fucking money and you won't pay fucking taxes. That shit is backwards. What about the wealthiest people in the country. Some of them are begging the government to tax them because they have the fucking money and some of them pay less in taxes than someone who makes 10% of what they do. How about we stop subsidizing oil fuckers. Jesus Howard Fucking Christ. Really. Have you not seen the price of gas? THEY MAKE ENOUGH FUCKING MONEY. We don't need to give them more so they can practice fucked up drilling that is destroying environments all over the globe. Oh and for those of you who think that subsidizing the oil companies keeps gas prices low. Do me a favor and go drink some gas, it has fucking vitamin C in it and other good shit. It's better for you than fruits and fucking vegetables. You fucking retard. Gas is actually fairly inexpensive, until you add the fucking TAXES. Back in the day Erie County New York decided that in order to help boost the economy during a recession that they would spend an entire week without collecting county sales tax. Let me tell you, the fucking gas prices dropped like .30 a gallon.  Back in the 90's that put the shit under a buck a gallon. So there's an idea, instead of providing billions to oil companies, why not stop taxing gas so much to make it more affordable. The government will spend the same amount of money and the oil tycoons will still be rolling in it. Oh and how about pharmaceutical companies. Subsidize, subsidize, subsidize. Ever see a commercial that says, "If you can't afford your prescription Aztra Zeneca  can help." Yeah we all have. Here's why. The government gives them money for research and development which in turn they use to be able to give medicine away cheaper to those in need. Sounds good right. Wrong. They use that shit as a fucking loophole and claim money that isn't even theirs in the first place as charitable donations. So now they pay less taxes while they rake in the fucking cash cause people are getting older and they need fucking drugs so they don't keel over and die. Or because some douche bag doctor who has his hands in the pharmaceutical company's pocket tells you that you need these meds. This is fucking criminal. Why don't we stop subsidizing those fuckers and put that money into Medicare so people can get some fucking insurance. This shit pisses me off and in the words of Murphy, it should piss you off too.

But instead of examining this shit, we want to consider cutting troops pay and benefits. So why not Congress? Why not other government positions that make retarded amounts of money for fingering his or her asshole at work and doing nothing because they knew somebody and that somebody owed them a favor.

Fuck this shit. 

I need to stop before I fucking give myself a fucking heart attack. Then because they are cutting my benefits at least Astra douche fucking bag Zeneca can help me pay for my drugs that the doctor says I need so I don't die in 30 fucking seconds.


Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Thirsty Thursday!!!!!

Ready for a weekend pre-game... well so am I!

Great Lakes Brewing Company
Holy Moses White Ale


Appearance - Golden Straw in color with a sticky bright white head.  

Smell - Sweet Orange Citrus notes with a Spicy Phenolic bite from the yeast.  

Taste - Sweet Mandarin Oranges dominate the taste up front, there is a slight spice in the background that lingers on the back of the throat.  

Mouthfeel - Smooth and Coating with plenty of carbonation to enhance the mouthfeel.  

Overall - This is a nice refreshing Summertime brew that is readily available at almost any resturaunt or grocery near Ohio, it's certainly a "Go-To"
when I'm out to dinner and makes a great "Lawnmower Beer".  

Thanks go to our resident brewmaster Danny WyZ!!!!

Some thoughts on those who serve...

Please refer above to my disclaimer. This is my blog and the beauty of the innerwebz is that I can write whatever I want and throw it up here so I find it unnecessary to apply my half-assed broken filter to it. Even when I attempt to filter my thoughts and opinions I normally have little to no luck with it. So once again you are reading this at your own risk.

The last thing I posted about Memorial Day seemed to spark some interesting conversation. Considering how much I enjoy conversations, especially interesting ones, on controversial topics I thought I would share some additional thoughts. If you're wondering what the hell I'm talking about right now you need to refer to the link posted on my Facebook page concerning the last blog. If for some reason you read this blog and aren't my friend on Facebook please feel free to friend me but be warned then your wall will be subject to all kinds of craziness.

Anyways, I inspired a few opinions to come out about respecting those who serve and how I think it shouldn't be just on Memorial or Veterans Day. Some think I went a bit far because saying that may offend those that do in fact take it a step further and do thank, respect, and appreciate the troops day in and day out. Now, normally I would give to flying shits about who I offend. However, this is a little different and I want to say that for those people who are like that, Thank You for what you do. I know many of us appreciate that. I honestly meant no offense but can see how what I wrote could be taken the wrong way and I wasn't speaking of everyone in general. I was speaking about those that take days like that as another long weekend and excuse to party. As well as those that only find it in themselves to reflect just one or two days a year. That shit kind of pisses me off and I'll get into that in a minute. 

The topic was also brought up about those that don't respect anyone who serves. The list is longer than you'd think and although it is no where near as bad as the Vietnam era it's still rampant in this country. To give you just a few examples. I've been referred to as a baby killer on more than one occasion. I have been subject to protests on more than one occasion. When I say protests I'm not talking Anti-War protests, I'm talking Anti-troop protests. I really like the Anti-War protests because it means people are exercising their rights and they are demonstrating that they believe these wars are being fought for the wrong reasons, etc. As a kid I thought war was cool. When I became a Marine I thought it would be awesome to finally do what I had trained to hard for during my first years in. Although it is an unbelievable feeling to lead Marines in combat their is a very harsh reality involved in war that ingrains itself in your soul that can never be washed away. In the words of Dave Chapelle, "When keepin' it real goes wrong." Yeah that about sums it up. I digress. For those that don't respect the troops to begin with it is what it is and any holiday dedicated to that is just not going to change their mind. However, upsetting that may be, it's reality. These people have their beliefs and there really isn't anything we can do about it. Arguing is pointless and only fuels their fire and really won't accomplish much. It's the same as the religion argument, people believe what they believe and it's difficult and in some cases damn near impossible to change their convictions. 

Now for those people that only choose the one or two days a year to reflect on service members and use the holidays as an excuse to party it up, well here is why that more or less  pisses me off. In all honesty I think those who serve deserve a little more. Although I can see the point of not wanting fake handshakes and thank you's I also want to say that sometimes, when you do the fake, it leads to something a little more real. In the Corps we have a little underground saying about motivation. Sometimes you gotta fake it 'til you make it. Somewhere along the lines you may realize that there is something else inspiring about it. Which is why I think it shouldn't be just one day. For those that come home from war, the reality of it doesn't hit you one or two days a year. It's constant. That's the thing. As hard as some of us try you can't get away from it. You learn to deal, to cope, to ignore, to move on a little but it's haunting. I think more people need to recognize that and not have the attitude of I did it one day or two days this year so I'm good. It's one of those things that many vets see and resent some people that haven't done what they have. It's why so many of them shut the door on so many aspects of their life. So what I wrote yesterday had more to do with waking some people up to the reality of what others deal with. I'm not looking for constant handshakes or thanks. That's not my thing. However, I think if more people showed more interest in what these guys did over there that it would help. Maybe sitting down or stopping to have a brief conversation. Not just a hand shake and a thank you. If that makes any sense. Many of us have stories and opinions that would blow peoples minds away. While everyone was going nuts with the surge in Iraq those of us there were thankful. We needed more people to be able to do counter-insurgency properly. We needed the extra people to be able to patrol and protect the people that were being bullied and harassed by the insurgents. In that type of operation you can't commute to work. You have to be out there with the people. Had more people out in the civilian world understood that by talking to Vets then maybe it wouldn't have received such a back lash here at home. 

As for me and receiving thanks and praise, I never know how to handle that. It's extremely humbling. Especially when you receive it from vets of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. In my eyes they had it a lot worse than us but you can't tell them that, they'll tell you to go fuck yourself cause they didn't have to carry 100+ lbs worth of shit on their body. So I, personally, never know what to say when someone thanks me. Your welcome seems shallow to me for some reason. I volunteered to do what I did, and although the majority didn't stand up and swear that oath to support and defend it was still my choice. I wanted the opportunity to serve, I wanted the opportunity to lead, I wanted to know that when I let the last breath leave my body that I had done something that meant more and would leave a lasting impression. I've gotten that. Which is why saying your welcome just doesn't seem right. It's why when some refer to me as a Hero it doesn't seem fitting for me. I did what I did for my beliefs and I think people should be thankful that our country still instills those type of beliefs in people. That's why on Memorial Day, Veteran's Day, and any other day people need to respect that and find out what those who served did over there and why they did it. Without that, their legacy will be forgotten to history with few accounts of what actually went on. You hear the news, you read some stories, but it's the individual stories of what people did and why that solidify history and ensure that it won't be forgotten.

Think about it like this. Had we, as a people, paid more attention to the vets returning from Vietnam, do you think the government would have made the same choices. Their story was written in history but most of it was written from the stand point of people at home and not the standpoint of those who fought and died in those jungles. All because we waited to long to look upon their sacrifice and learn from them.

Just some thoughts. You can agree, you can disagree, you can argue. This is just my humble opinion.

Until my next rant...

The Senator

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Little Something for Memorial Day...

As per usual, my disclaimer always applies because you know, I help keep the "Men are assholes" stereotype alive and kicking. If you have been actively reading my blog and I have yet to offend you, then I can only say it will probably only be a matter of time before some of the crazy shit that passes from my brain to my fingertips disturbs you. So anyways back on to the topic at hand.

This past week we celebrated Memorial Day. So yes, this is a little late. However, my reasons for the tardiness is two fold. First and foremost I partied fairly hard like everyone else. I raised my glass to those who came before and then attempted to ensure that their share did not go to waste. Needless to say I have to give my liver a high five for not throwing in the towel at some point over the weekend. Secondly, and in my opinion, the most important reason is this. I have a deep and personal belief that we should not limit our thanks and gratitude to our fallen heroes to one fucking day. They deserve more than that. It's just like I think Veteran's Day should be a constant thing. Furthermore, even though I applaud all of you who thank current vets that we all need to make a concerted effort to thank all the vets who came before. ESPECIALLY our Vietnam Vets. Our Country essentially abandoned them when they returned and turned the other way in their time of need. So yeah. Let's not leave them out in the rain anymore. I want all of you to consider one little thing. Our Armed Services today are all volunteers. Everyone of them raised their right hand voluntarily knowing what was going on in the world. During Vietnam, the vast majority of those who fought and died were drafted. They were not given a choice. They were not asked to volunteer. They were told to enlist, to fight, and to die in an unpopular war or face consequences that amounted to basically losing many of their rights as citizens. Never forget that. They still need our help and support.

Now as for what you are about to read. I have had the distinct honor of being born into a family that has a military tradition. One of my grand father's fought as a Marine in the island hoping campaign in World War II against the Japanese. He was a Machine Gunner and was a hard core mother fucker. Hearing his stories sent chills down my spine and up until the day he died you couldn't get within a few feet of him while he was sleeping without him waking up. My other grand father was in the Army in Motor Transport. Although not directly a combat related job he provided direct support to the grunts on the ground and landed in the 4th wave on Normandy. What he spoke of about that landing would make most men turn and run. Yet he and many others pushed through and took that damn beach head. In the mid-90's I lost them both. One to Parkinson's and the other to lung cancer. They were both heroes and I am thankful that I was old enough to listen when they told their stories. The following poem is something I wrote from a combination of both of their stories. I've been hesitant to put any of my writing up here but I also think it would be wrong for me to keep their story to myself. So without further adieu....

"A Warrior's Prayer"

Lord, please hear me pray,
As I tread along these bloody banks.
Save me from this dying day,
Guide us through descending ranks.

Lord, hear these words I say,
As I walk the blood filled shore.
With fellow man I only pray,
Hoping that my soul will soar.

Lord, look down upon my face,
As I wade knee deep in blood.
Pleading for forgiveness my grace,
I stand amidst a raging flood.

Lord, save me from this wretched hell,
As I surge towards eternal sleep.
The horrors I've seen I couldn't tell,
Please halt the time so I may weep.

Lord, pull me from enraging flames,
Allow me to sing where angels fly.
Lord, as I pray, my soul he maims,
Please, my savior, don't let me die...

by Cory Will
Copyright 1995, 1997, 2000