
..if you are easily offended or don't appreciate the semi-god like versatility of the word "fuck" you may want to stop now.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Things that Piss me Off

My normal disclaimer applies. I promise once I get the time to do so I'll update my disclaimer on the main page for all to see.

So the last week or so has been kind of rough for me. Not like I'm down in the dumps or anything like that but its been rough because I've had to interact with some people that just generally piss me off. After yesterday I truly feel the need to rant. I figured I'd talk about some stuff that really pisses me off. Now I will say that this is a rather short list because a list of things that piss me off in its entirety would be long and even with my crazy ass writing I'm sure you'd eventually get bored and potentially realize how big of an asshole I truly am. So here we go...

1. People who take shit too literally.

Let me explain what I'm talking about. Although my vocabulary is fairly extensive I have my only little pet words and sayings that can be fairly offensive to people who take them literally. I was recently corrected at work because I referred to something as being "fucking retarded". You see one of the many civilians that I am now forced to work with has a son with special needs. Amazingly enough, she was not the one who was offended and upset about my statement. It was some other douche bag who apparently felt she had to jump on the high horse to protect her co-workers feelings, or some shit like that. Anyways she came out of her cubicle faster than a fat kid going to an all you can eat buffet for the Friday night special. She then made the mistake of insulting me and berating me for using such a "foul and insensitive term" in the general presence of a woman who had a son with (using her words on this one) "a mental handicap". Amazingly enough I didn't go high and to the right. Actually I laughed which enraged her even more, but before she could open her mouth I told her to shut it and listed. I explained that saying someone has "a mental handicap" was far more offensive than referring to a stupid decision that someone made as "fucking retarded". In truth, that is the proper use of the word. I defined retard for her as being slow, a hindrance, something that causes a delay, or something that generally impedes progress of any kind. I then informed her that I never use the term to describe anyone who has a condition that requires special assistance. I then explained that the reason I don't is because the vast majority of people with special needs I've met are kinder, have better social skills, and far more determination than your average person who in my opinion is waste of space. So when I refer to someone as a "retard" or "retarded" it's because they have the capability to be better but the CHOOSE to be lazy, worthless, useless pieces of shit that suck the life out of this country. I can only imagine that once she picked her jaw up off the floor that she went back to her cubicle and cried on the inside because she realized I was referring to her. Either way, I went back into my corner and set to work. But the point is, people like that PISS ME OFF.

2. People who spread their religious beliefs of non-religious beliefs for that matter.

Let me start by saying I am not referring to religious people in general. You have a constitutional right in this country to believe in what ever the fuck you want and not be persecuted for your beliefs. I have gone to some pretty crazy places to support and defend that right and for the love of fuck I'd do it again. I'm talking about the people that walk up to me for no apparent reason and want to talk to me about Big Daddy, Little J, and the Holy Spook, or Yaweh, or Allah, or fucking dancing god damn fairies! OR even better, why none of the above should be believed in at all. Listen, I don't fucking give a rats ass what you believe in or what you don't believe in. I have the constitutional right that I've fucking fought for to be left the fuck alone and not have you persecute me for not believing in the same shit you do. I am not going to hell, I am not going to burn at the stake, and I'm not a fucking infidel or whatever the fuck else. This is the problem with people like this. With their insistence that they have the only true religion they end up persecuting others for not having the same beliefs. It's fucking, dare I say, RETARDED. Religion has caused more fucking blood shed throughout history than anything else. Think about it! Seriously, think about it! The Inquisition, the crusades, the spread of Islam, the Jews slaying Christians, the Romans slaying both at different points in history, homegrown Christian terrorism, Nazi's (yep, at one point could old mustache boy hisself was a devote Christian who developed a hatred of Jews and Gypsies cause they believed different shit), extreme Islam (you know recent terrorist events), the Taliban killing fucking all kinds of people cause they weren't devote enough, the area around India, the area around Israel, holy fuck me running backwards we could go on forever with this shit! Bottom line is we are a cultural melting pot that have the protected right to believe in what ever the fuck we want and you shouldn't fucking bother people who don't believe in the same damn thing. Last thing on this, Jehovah's Witnesses. HellfuckingO! Do you realize that you are perpetrating a fucking religion that by your own retarded beliefs make it nearly mathematically impossible for you to go to Heaven! That's the stupidest shit I've heard of. "There are nearly 8 million of Jehovah's Witnesses alive today, I'm sure a few million have already died since they started and only 144,000 are going to Heaven. Ummm....calculating... FAIL.

3. People that live in a fucking bubble.

Ok, so I understand that some people aren't big into politics or world events and only vaguely keep track of what's happening outside of their own little world, and to an extent that's ok. However, those that are completely clueless as to what's happening in this country and our world in general need to go to their local coffee shop and order the giant sized cup of WAKE THE FUCK UP! I met someone in DC of all places who was clueless as to why the Government was about to shut down last week. How the fuck do you not have a clue as to what's going on? Met someone else that was confused as to why gas prices are skyrocketing. Wake the FUCK up! It's people like this that allow our fucking crooked useless politicians to take advantage of the very people the represent and basically do what ever the fuck will benefit them the most. Unfortunately there are so many of these mother fuckers out there that the politicians know they can get away with some of this bull shit. To illustrate this point I was on my phone the other day on hold waiting to speak with someone from my Congressman's office. When someone finally answered I referred to myself as one of his constituents and asked where he stood on the budget crisis. After getting a bullshit explanation and conveying my opinion on why he should be doing more I hung up disgusted. Then the person standing next to me in our roped off smoking area tapped me on the shoulder and asked what a constituent was. I was absolutely floored. I explained it like this. "Who is your representative in Congress? Oh, you don't know, well this is how it works there brain child, that person that was voted as the congressional representative in your district, well you are one of his or her constituents because you gave permission for them to represent you in our government." The response I received, "Well that doesn't make sense, who came up with that system?" At this point I had to walk away to avoid going on a murderous rampage. Here is my point, the people that are like this are killing our system of government. It's by the people for the people. Without the people shit doesn't get done for the people, it gets done for the politicians. That is not how this shit is supposed to work. So I challenge each and everyone of you, when you meet a person like this try to educate them and get them to participate. Well that's if you can avoid the urge to choke the ever living shit out of them.

Okay, I think that's enough for now. Feel free to comment, groan, moan, bitch, complain, call me an asshole, whatever. At least you'd be participating.

Via con queso

The Senator


  1. "Anyways she came out of her cubicle faster than a fat kid going to an all you can eat buffet for the Friday night special." LMAO! Love you Senator. You speak the truth :)

  2. "I met someone in DC of all places who was clueless as to why the Government was about to shut down last week. How the fuck do you not have a clue as to what's going on? Met someone else that was confused as to why gas prices are skyrocketing. Wake the FUCK up!"

    Ah....the incompetence of our nation. My undergrad American Govt professor taught us very early on saying this, "Voters are stupid." He's right. The majority of voters don't necessarily have any interest or understanding of how the world works and how shit thouuuuuusands of miles away can and will affect us in some manner.


