
..if you are easily offended or don't appreciate the semi-god like versatility of the word "fuck" you may want to stop now.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Weekly (Possibly) Beer Review

Okay, for your reading and alcoholic pleasure I have enlisted a good friend, Danny Wyszynski, to write a beer review. I'm thinking of trying to get a weekly review out of him, but we'll see how that goes. 

Why is he qualified you ask? Well let me tell you! Other than being a qualified alcoholic for serving in the Marine Corps during peace time when our area of operations covered any bar we may come across, our rules of engagement involved consuming what ever sinister beverage was in arms reach, and combat was fought attempting to make it across the Mexican boarder on two feet! You must understand, we were not allowed to crawl across the boarder. Besides the epic qualifications bestowed upon him from Marine Corps service he also spends gratuitous amounts of time sampling and brewing his own frothy creations. So without further ado, I offer you this weeks beer review!

Brasserie Dieu du Ciel!  
Rigor Mortis
Abbey-style brown ale
Belgian Quadrupel

Appearance - Dark, Murky brown in color with an off-white head that dissapates quickly, not highly carbed as is typical with this style.

Smell - Spice and Citrus with a biy of Clove, no hop aroma of which to speak.  There is also a faint sweet Caramel in the nose.

Taste - Clove and Spice take the lead with a big hit of Caramel to follow.  The back end is hot with alcohol and the finish is quite dry.  

Mouthfeel - Light and silky smooth, the lack of carbonation does not at all detract from the beer.  

Overall - This was a $5.99 bottle of beer purchased at the local bottle shop by my Wife as a Birthday present, and I have to say I'm very pleased with 
my gift!  Rigor Mortis is a nice solid Belgian Quad that I would certainly love to drink again despite the high price tag.  If you like Belgian Style
beers this is a must try!


  1. A good resource for your readers, if the beer reviews are going to be a regular thing.


  2. Also, remember to pour your less-fizzy beers down the side instead of straight down the center of the glass to preserve carbonation.

    We need a proper review of Arrogant Bastard. This sounds like a project we can collaborate on soon.

  3. Awesome... maybe I'll do some copy and pasting of that sort of thing. Yes I do believe we need to review the deliciousness that is Arrogant Bastard.
