
..if you are easily offended or don't appreciate the semi-god like versatility of the word "fuck" you may want to stop now.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Tasty Tuesday!!!!

In lieu of all the Blogger problems I decided since it's finally back up and running right that I would drop a beer review in time for Tasty Tuesday! 

Chocolate Stout

American Stout

Appearance - Deep Dark Brown with a Sticky Rocky head that is a nice Coffee color.  

Smell - Sweet Dark Chocolate and Roasted Malts.  It really smells like I'm sticking my entire head in to a 5 gallon bucket full of freshly ground 
dark chocolate!

Taste - Huge Dark Chocolate flavor on the front and mid-palette, Silky Smooth and absolutely fantastic!  I can taste the dryness of the Roasted 
Malts and Black Patent in the finish.

Mouthfeel - Smooth with a fairly Dry finish. The Roasted tastes remain in the back of my mouth almost like I've just finished a cup of coffee.

Overall - If you like chocolate (And who doesn't???!!!) then is the beer for you!  Chocolate really dominates, and at only 6% you can drink an entire
bomber of this fairly quickly and still keep your wits about you.  Wife have a sweet tooth?  Want to get her in to beer?  Give her this!!!

1 comment:

  1. I see Blogger has finally started behaving again, guess it's back to work for me! Now I've got to find a beer to taste for Thirsty Thursday! Ohhhh, the agony...
